
Der 100-Meter-Lauf

Yuval Boger

The 100-meter dash, a sprint, is one of the most exciting events in the Olympics. It crowns “the fastest man, and the fastest woman, on earth”.

But how fast is fast?

  • Millions and millions of people can complete the 100-meter dash in less than 20 seconds.
  • In the recorded history of the world, the 100-meter race was completed in under 10 seconds only 158 times.
  • Usain Bolt of Jamaica is the men's world record holder, 9.58 seconds. Florence Griffith-Joyner holds the women's record, 10.49 seconds

It follows that no one has ever been able to run 100 meters in less than 9 seconds. There is a limit to human ability. If you want to go any faster, you'll probably need help, perhaps in the shape of a car.

How about quantum?

Thousands of people in the world can design quantum circuits with five qubits.

We estimate that 100 people in the world - perhaps a few hundred - can design a quantum circuit with 25 qubits

How many people can design circuits with a thousand qubits? Probably none.

Just like in the 100-meter dash, there is a limit to human ability. If you want to design a circuit with hundreds of qubits - to take advantage of larger quantum computers that are just a couple of years away - you’ll need help, perhaps in the shape of a software platform for Quantum Algorithm Design that allows you to focus on the high-level model instead of the low-level gate implementation. These are the same principles used to design billion-transistor chips, applied to quantum.

The 100-meter dash, a sprint, is one of the most exciting events in the Olympics. It crowns “the fastest man, and the fastest woman, on earth”.

But how fast is fast?

  • Millions and millions of people can complete the 100-meter dash in less than 20 seconds.
  • In the recorded history of the world, the 100-meter race was completed in under 10 seconds only 158 times.
  • Usain Bolt of Jamaica is the men's world record holder, 9.58 seconds. Florence Griffith-Joyner holds the women's record, 10.49 seconds

It follows that no one has ever been able to run 100 meters in less than 9 seconds. There is a limit to human ability. If you want to go any faster, you'll probably need help, perhaps in the shape of a car.

How about quantum?

Thousands of people in the world can design quantum circuits with five qubits.

We estimate that 100 people in the world - perhaps a few hundred - can design a quantum circuit with 25 qubits

How many people can design circuits with a thousand qubits? Probably none.

Just like in the 100-meter dash, there is a limit to human ability. If you want to design a circuit with hundreds of qubits - to take advantage of larger quantum computers that are just a couple of years away - you’ll need help, perhaps in the shape of a software platform for Quantum Algorithm Design that allows you to focus on the high-level model instead of the low-level gate implementation. These are the same principles used to design billion-transistor chips, applied to quantum.

Über "Der Podcast des Qubit-Typen"

Der Podcast wird von The Qubit Guy (Yuval Boger, unser Chief Marketing Officer) moderiert. In ihm diskutieren Vordenker der Quanteninformatik über geschäftliche und technische Fragen, die das Ökosystem der Quanteninformatik betreffen. Unsere Gäste geben interessante Einblicke in Quantencomputer-Software und -Algorithmen, Quantencomputer-Hardware, Schlüsselanwendungen für Quantencomputer, Marktstudien der Quantenindustrie und vieles mehr.

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