
Der Weg zum skalierbaren Quantencomputing: mit ColdQuanta und Classiq


The ability to execute sophisticated algorithms on quantum computers with more qubits opens game-changing industrial and research opportunities. But what will it take to create more powerful hardware, and how would these machines be programmed? Executives from ColdQuanta and Classiq, two quantum technology leaders, came together for an insightful  Webinar focused on the “why, how, and when” of scalable quantum computing.

The ability to execute sophisticated algorithms on quantum computers with more qubits opens game-changing industrial and research opportunities. But what will it take to create more powerful hardware, and how would these machines be programmed? Executives from ColdQuanta and Classiq, two quantum technology leaders, came together for an insightful  Webinar focused on the “why, how, and when” of scalable quantum computing.

Über "Der Podcast des Qubit-Typen"

Der Podcast wird von The Qubit Guy (Yuval Boger, unser Chief Marketing Officer) moderiert. In ihm diskutieren Vordenker der Quanteninformatik über geschäftliche und technische Fragen, die das Ökosystem der Quanteninformatik betreffen. Unsere Gäste geben interessante Einblicke in Quantencomputer-Software und -Algorithmen, Quantencomputer-Hardware, Schlüsselanwendungen für Quantencomputer, Marktstudien der Quantenindustrie und vieles mehr.

Wenn Sie einen Gast für den Podcast vorschlagen möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte .

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