
Quantum Computing How To: Ausführen eines erfolgreichen PoC von Anfang bis Ende


In this webinar, industry experts from Deloitte, Informa, and Classiq came together to discuss how enterprises are able to execute a successful proof of concept in the quest to build a viable business case. Drawing on real-life experiences and examples, this panel discussed:- Identifying the right challenge applicable to quantum computing technology- Building out the potential use case framework- Selecting the right partners- Developing appropriate success benchmarks.

In this webinar, industry experts from Deloitte, Informa, and Classiq came together to discuss how enterprises are able to execute a successful proof of concept in the quest to build a viable business case. Drawing on real-life experiences and examples, this panel discussed:- Identifying the right challenge applicable to quantum computing technology- Building out the potential use case framework- Selecting the right partners- Developing appropriate success benchmarks.

Über "Der Podcast des Qubit-Typen"

Der Podcast wird von The Qubit Guy (Yuval Boger, unser Chief Marketing Officer) moderiert. In ihm diskutieren Vordenker der Quanteninformatik über geschäftliche und technische Fragen, die das Ökosystem der Quanteninformatik betreffen. Unsere Gäste geben interessante Einblicke in Quantencomputer-Software und -Algorithmen, Quantencomputer-Hardware, Schlüsselanwendungen für Quantencomputer, Marktstudien der Quantenindustrie und vieles mehr.

Wenn Sie einen Gast für den Podcast vorschlagen möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte .

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